Dr. Steven MacHardy
Hi there. Thank you for visiting our web site. I’m Dr. Steve MacHardy. I joined Mill Pond Dental Care in 2020. Though I’m relatively new to this office, I’ve been practicing dentistry since 2007.
I grew up on the other side of London in Komoka. My parents still live there in my childhood home though I now live in London. My education started at Parkview Public School, and continued at Medway High School. I was a member of several sports teams in high school and often competed against teams and athletes from Lord Dorchester S.S.
I achieved a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Queen’s University followed by a year of research at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, in the field of Electrochemistry.
During my time in the Netherlands I began applying to dental school. I was granted acceptance to Boston University School of Dental Medicine and graduated Suma Cum Lauda in 2007.
Before moving back to Canada, I completed a year residency at the University of Michigan obtaining a certificate of Advanced Education in General Dentistry.
My first associateship took me to Vancouver Island, but after many years abroad I felt a desire to move back to the area I’ve always called home. I took an associateship at a dental practice in London and eventually became part owner.
In 2016 I transitioned from Practice Owner to Locum Dentistry covering for dentists on leave. I have covered for many dentists in London and the surrounding area.
Dr. Lida Kiddie approached me to join Mill Pond Dental Care. She and I were both waiting to find the right fit moving forward. We are both excited about this next chapter at Mill Pond Dental Care, and I look forward to building a relationship with you.